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advantages and disadvantages of matriarchyadvantages and disadvantages of matriarchy

advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy

There is not a big problem with men competing with each other in sport, but it becomes a real problem when men compete on a battlefield with spears, swords, rifles, machine guns, field guns, flame throwers, aircraft, rockets and nuclear weapons. You want to put the demographic of people who can and often do run roughshod over other people, using the police and the state and the court system as their weapons, and whom no one (you, especially, it seems, since you'd excuse a woman's acid attack on another woman and place the blame for it elsewhere) wants to ever hold accountable, in charge? So, scroll down to find all the relevant details as the article is for you. And for the record, I believe that when a woman kills her children, I as a daughter, feel that to be by far the ultimate betrayal of a mother towards her child, and feel strongly that she should suffer the ultimate punishment which is suffering in death! You can safely say that over 99% of all violence committed in our world has been committed by men. In other words, it may very well be that it was female leadership, not some cultural lack of male aggression, that led to the extinction of those matriarchal societies. Things can only change when we have matriarchal political parties where women are free to be themselves and not have men tell them how to behave. Do you even realize what you just said? As for saying i should exclude myself. You are incapable of seeing women as agents. Nice toys may make your day better. This even happens in the West where rapist will complain that it was the fault of the women he raped because of the way she dressed. Women can invent things if given the tools, money, education and encouragement to do this. When you go on about how men ruling the world has been such a disaster, you're making the assumption that it is because they're men that it resulted in disaster. In 1943, Maslow developed his hierarchy . Society is comprised of both men and women, patriarchy is the way of nature, biology, and God's Will. ScaleupAlly . Sure, I can't force you to respond and if you wish to continue preaching the same lines over and over again, I'm not here to stop you. Where women can behave like women and not have to act like competitive and ruthless men. I never even knew about Rosalind Elsie Franklin until you told me! A Matriarch is essentially a strong woman, a good woman who is responsible, reliable, dependable; she is the head of household and is considered the heart, soul, and leader of the family in a heterosexual family unit, regardless if the father is a stay at home dad, or the breadwinner, the mother respectively is always head of household and the blood always flows through her line, and no, its not bullshit, I'm living breathing proof of it! As for saying I don't like men. Advantages (Pros / Positives / Benefits) of Monopoly Market. Advantages of Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) : A portion of the key advantages that will be gotten from utilizing a MRP framework are the following. In a government of equal numbers of men and women, there is nothing to stop men fiercely competing against the women for power. Now, I can understand the fear Feminist have, that if we undermine the dogma that men and women are same, and say that women are driven by a powerful maternal instinct and men driven by a powerful competitive instinct. Don't put different words in my mouth now. but men, as the military has shown, can be brutalised or trained into becoming killers.". William Bond (author) from England on July 14, 2012: Hi Rock71, Far more men go to Jail because of crimes of violence than women. A matriarchal government will not have the same interest in competition for wealth and power as their main focus of attention will be on the children of the countries they rule. Emotional stability, rule-consciousness and vigilance are all good leadership traits, and express in men to a much greater degree than in women. Stop all this matriarchy, patriarchy rubbish and look at the real issue, upbringing. You can learn a new language in multicultural regions. One thing I might not have mentioned yet is that it is also nearly always men who stop those atrocities. Wars and violence are directly caused by men's aggressive and competitive instincts. Like this post. Most partnerships like to have one person focus on big picture concepts while the other manages accounting or financial obligations. Perpetrating your own violence entails accepting enormous risks. Do you have any idea the kind of moral hazard involved in putting people in charge whom society is not prepared to hold accountable for their actions? "As for hating their own sex, men already do this. Also I believe a matrairchal government will be more interested in teaching boys to be caring and loving people than any patriarchal government. He was the one with the last name and the sword, so it was all him.". We have had many great thinkers trying to solve these problems, through either religion or politics, but what is noticeable with all these solutions, is that they all have failed. War and genocide has been commonplace in patriarchal history. A minority of women in politics is not evidence that they have a harder time. Sexism is. By your logic, this statement would also be true; There have been great periods of peace during history. Women are the Carers and nurturers of our world. There would be a place for every good human being on the face of this earth, with no one left behind. matrilineal society, also called matriliny, group adhering to a kinship system in which ancestral descent is traced through maternal instead of paternal lines (the latter being termed patrilineage or patriliny). Females do not have the same pressures in that regard, because men's criteria for a sexual partner have always been different, and over human history, women evolved to express those traits, and men to express others. He was the one with the last name and the sword, so it was all him. This is because most of the wealth and important jobs are in the hands of men. And I already know your next attempt to respond which will be to say that women cant possibly do any worse given how bad men did. After all, in a scenario where women rule . A falsely filed TRO is instigating violence. The very large gap between rich and poor is also madness. For example, a producer might try inbreeding to increase milk production. Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and a political movement . What do you mean by re-educated? It actually makes me throw up in my mouth a little. You are incapable of seeing women as human beings, who are fallible, who make mistakes, who make shitty decisions of their own free will, and who own their own lives and the decisions they make. I just think its time that we gave women a chance of ruling to see how it goes. I am personally surprise at how strong the urge in women is to have children, with all the problems involve in this. We are the offspring of those who fought for their survival. Just take a step out of your belief system and look at the world objectively. It is this strong competitive instinct that trips men up every time. Can improve the overall chances in the lives of many people. Enjoy your matriarchy. Why are you so against the idea of women ruling the world? You seem to see them as a monolithic object/victim class. We are not going to get a Amazon army take over any government by force. When a woman does the same, we do not hold her accountable in the same way. I mean, what would you change about the current democratic system of the Western developed countries? However, you are not making a difference by indirectly saying "fuck you" to everyone who does not nor will not ever agree with you, instead you are doing the complete opposite. 2. Because society does not hold them accountable--even when they are overtly violent and anti-social--there is a further moral hazard in that they will actually be able to get away with more violence and competitiveness than men do before being called on it. They have somehow made democracy work but even this is getting undermined all the time. Throughout history women have shown, they are far less aggressive and violent than men, even, though they have been brutalised by men of violence. It has powered up our remote work enthusiasm and has made us able to perform at our best. Our feet stink as much as any man's. Take my life for example, I am a woman who seeks to make a major difference in the world someday in a rather revolutionary way, I am a multi-racial, multi-ethnic woman of color, who is a lesbian, and a transvestite, I am the proud daughter of a strong Matriarchal women, and belong to none of the patrarchal Abrahamic religions, I freely believe in a higher power that I identify as "The Great Cosmic Mother," and for most of my life I've been treated as a social outcast; absolutely nothing has come easy for me; my very existence as something that every single society on face of this earth hates (and would if they had the power brutally kill) has been paved through hardship! In other words, the father administers the house. If things get worse then people might look for something different but the chances are they will look to Facism or bring back communism or perhaps go to extreme religion. Deal with that or let the statement go. Women can only do this, if they start injecting themselves with steroids. Who invented the atom bomb? The problem is that men do a really terrible job in ruling our world and it should be obvious to everyone, that they are totally incapable of doing this. Really? So, in matriarchies, mothering - which originates as a biological fact - is . This is a personality trait issue that is encouraged by some and dispised by others. Yes, I am aware that women have to live in a patriarchal society and have adopted patriarchal values. Try to educate yourself before making such sweeping generalizations. And you want to put women in charge? When feeling the sting of rejection, women leaders learn from adversity and carry on with an "I'll show you" attitude. Throughout history it has been men who have ruled our world. We can see this in the animal world where stags, bulls, and rams fight each other every spring for dominance and access to females. But where we disagree is how you achieve this. There is also violence by proxy. Men do not like the way they rule our world and do attempt to do better. The fact is that men are totally useless at ruling our world. It gives glossy and attractive appearances to the building, making it a very useful material for aesthetic purposes. And it is that type of technology that we desperately need! The difference has started to become somewhat political. It is patrairchal rule that is holding back human progress, our world can never become a better place while men continue to rule it. The whole of history shows us so clearly that men do a really terrible job in ruling our world. List of the Disadvantages of a Monarchy 1. . Has it even occurred to you that stating men are violent by nature is laying the groundwork for justifying preventive incarceration? You can see this happening today in Syria. In fact, women are more likely to instigate physical aggression against a partner, and up to 70% of unilateral, severe intimate partner violence is female-perpetrated. Which is what happens when men rule our world. According to you, when the Spartan woman told her husband, "come back with your shield or on it", she bore no responsibility for the deaths he caused. Females do not have the same pressures in that regard, because men's criteria for a sexual partner have always been different, and over human history, women evolved to express those traits, and men to express others. So why are we continuing with a system that clearly does not work? It has expressed in other primates. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Back in medieval times they had the sport of jousting where two riders charge each other with long lancers on horseback. In such cases, the insured might have to pay for the excluded losses from his own pocket. Sigh. If you're so ashamed of your sex, I'm very sorry but that's your problem. William Bond (author) from England on July 10, 2012: I agree Aincas, that it should be obvious that men commit far, far more violence than women. "people do a really terrible job in ruling our world". And to tell people that if we want to live in a caring and loving world, then we need nurturing women to rule it. Not responsible for their violence? There are about 40,000 of them, according to The Independent, and they practice Tibetan Buddhism. We can more easily manage the data in a DBMS. Benefits This walking marriage system is a pure system, and it is based on the love, without any social rules. So are you saying that materiality is perfection? Many historians are of the view that matriarchy evolved from depravity and anarchy. The point is that for the average person in the street they want to be rule by sensible and caring people. Then the answer is simple, allow women to rule our world instead. Virtually all were outcompeted, conquered, absorbed or annexed by patriarchies. As for acid attacks, the majority of assaults were carried out on women. How badly does it have to get, before women like you wake up to the fact that men are doing a really terrible job in ruling our world. it should be obvious that we need to try and see if the other sex can do a better job in doing this.. Women do have better communication and social skills than men, which is another reason why they should be ruling our world. May foster technological progress. He has a hard time just being and enjoying. 3. Weve been through all this before. Are you saying that any criticism of men is not allowed?". And what makes you think that to do this women had everything given to them, do you foolishly think that men just opened the doors and embraced women who wanted a position in their dominated careers with open arms? In the 50s, veterinary medicine was virtually 100% male. And in that time, men have ruled through violence, fear and intimation. Matriarchy exists as an antithesis to the notion of patriarchy. Matriarchs consider nature as something living and organic. Monopoly companies enjoy a supernormal profit. Hawking certainly was never handed one damn thing, and overcame huge handicaps, to become one of the finest and most respected minds in science. Until then, have a nice life. "Lucy, who is it that invents and builds and uses weapons of mass destruction? The fact is that is it nearly always men who fight in wars or commit genicide. "But if we had women rule the world, they would want to train men from the time they are children, to be loving and caring human beings.". As a hierarchical structure grows, its hierarchy grows, too. They can get away with it because science is still controlled by male chauvinists. The police come and remove the man from his home and family. Sorry to say, if you think women are superior and have these sort of fantasies, you are a disgrace to nature and are weak both physically and mentally. One may continue over and over again to argue that given our male supremacist society that most all know and love so well, that it would be exactly like that, but I naturally beg to differ, because until we are living in such a society there is no certainty that is nor would be convincing enough to support that perspective, because until such a society comes into existance where we can actually measure and examine in comparison both female supremacist matriarchy and our current patriarchy there can be no certainty of it. Males of all species know that individuals can be controlled by violence. The souls of men know no shame Hi Atlas Lonestar, thanks for your support. Do you honestly think that telling the men who rule our world that they are being sexist is going to change anything? Just as women would not feel motivated to feed the bloated, multi-billion dollar beauty industry if men had not evolved a preference for youth and beauty, men would not compete with other men for riches if women had not evolved a preference for a partner with the power, social status and the wealth to adequately provide for and protect her. Men are far more brutal and violent because of their competitive and aggressive instincts. They're more likely than men to practice selective neglect, where they are capable of caring for all their children, but purposely neglect a disfavored child. Surely you don't want people like that to run the world. I'm sure you can find a way to blame that lack of maternal instinct on men, though. Muslems hate Jewish and Christian men, Christian and Jewish men hate Muslems. "No govement dominated by women will want to see children in the country they rule live in poverty and ignorance. I know men are good at blaming it on the Devil or other men and some even have the cheek to blame women. And how are boys who grow up in this anti-male atmosphere supposed to develop? Project management software is built for collaboration and teamwork in real-time. And in that time, men have ruled through violence, fear and intimation. It seems that patriarchy can fight wars, commit genicide, condemn billions of people into poverty, mess up the finacial system of world, and get away with it, because people will swallow all the bullshit patrirchy gives them, without question. I never get the same problems with men. She was the first female mathematician, she was also an astronomer, and a NeoPlatonist philosopher, she was a woman of science. William Bond (author) from England on August 13, 2011: I am not painting a patriarchal picture of women i am painting a biological one. Boys are trained to be strong, superior, good planners, decision makers and not to express their feelings openly whereas. If you're going to judge half the human population, at least take all things into consideration. "Hi Girlwriteswhat, I agree with you that patriarchy was created when patriarchal tribes conquered the peaceful matriarchal Neolithic civilizations.". War is only possible, because men can be trained to kill. At present female politicians have to join patriarchal political parties and prove themselves to be macho men to be taken seriously. If we want to live in a caring and loving world. Bureaucracies slow things - decision-making, communication, action - and the company becomes a . Given that cultures have undergone a kind of social evolution since the beginning of civilization, the absence of any matriarchy could be taken as evidence that matriarchal societies are less prosperous. There are still a variety of risks involved in using an MRI scan despite its overall beneficial use. The fallacy lies in a blindness to the similarities. To be fair, this is the situation in our world today, and has always been the case throughout recorded history. Simply because these new goverments will be ruled by men. Firstly, yes, things could be a lot worse and secondly you only count the bad things and ignore the good things which means youre biased. In a world filled with deception I've known it to be the best approach. A contemporary news and media magazine that brings the latest in art, culture, lifestyle, food, fashion, entertainment and the most interesting stories from the people of Pakistan. I have one more question: Supposing what you say is true, then could you please describe to us in detail how your matriarchy should look? Yes, patriarchy do use women's maternal instincts against them, suggesting that her nurturing instinct make women too 'weak' and emotional to make sensible decisions. One judge in Florida estimated that 80% of temporary restraining orders handed to women during divorce and custody cases were either completely unfounded, or maliciously false. There is some conflicting evidence of matriarchal tribes. So if we recognize that men on the whole make dreadful rulers, then it makes sense to see if women can do a better job. Is that in the hands of men or women? The tragedy of all this will be, that the new goverments the people have laid down their lives to bring in, will not be any better than the last goverments. I'm glad there are people like you in this world! Thus, those resources should be sustainable and can be recycled. 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